Letterboxd list

Hi all, just a note to say that we’ve put up a list of EVERY (that’s EVERY) British horror film made up to 1990 on Letterboxd here.

If you’re not yet aware of Letterboxd, and you’re browsing this website, I think you may like it. It’s certainly one of the few social media sites I frequent these days.

And even if the rest of the Letterboxd site isn’t for you, the list is pretty smart - taken as it is from Darryl Buxton’s terrific site Pass The Marmalade. I set up the list for my own benefit but then thought it’s probably worth sharing. I’m at a viewing rate of around 60% as of writing, which I’ll freely admit is shocking considering I run this here site.

Anyhoo, give it a look and let me know what you think. It’s a great way of keeping track of your own British horror film viewing.


New review: The Tell-Tale Heart