New review: Die Screaming Marianne

So, it’s not really a horror film. But it is ace. And it’s got Susan George in it. Plus, it was directed by 70s Brit horror kingpin Pete Walker. So, what more do you want?

(Well, some actual horror might be fitting, given the name of the site)

Any road up, this weird mish-mash of slightly-less-swinging-than-it-was-a-couple-of-years-earlier London, marriage mix-ups, pervy families and terrible haircuts is never less than entertaining, and has all the shoddy performances, unintentional hilarity, jingly tunes and bizarre plot twists that you come to this website for, you cheeky scamp.

Plus, possibly the greatest credit sequence yet committed to celluloid.

Has your thrusset-pouch been suitably whibbled? If so you can read the review here.


New review: The Crimes Of Stephen Hawke


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