New review: The Sinful Dwarf

Now, I’m not going to pretend that including this particular “gem” is anything other than obsessive completism on my behalf. Yes, a lot of writing on the subject includes The Sinful Dwarf as a British horror film, but is it, really? It’s not clear where it is actually set, and although most of the actors appear to be British (with a few notable exceptions), its British-ness feels tacked-on at best.

We’ve seen a lot of people of restricted height in more mainstream British horror films – from “making a clean job of it” and failing (Horror Hospital), to genuinely murderous (Vampire Circus), to vengeful monkey killer (Masque Of The Red Death), to having some nefarious scheme apparently (Son Of Dracula). And it’s worth pointing out that in these cases, it was all actually the same bloke (Skip Martin).

But none of those who went before or after (whether played by Skip Martin or assorted sub-Skips, I’m looking at you, I Don’t Want To Be Born) were quite as downright ‘orrible as The Sinful Dwarf.

Hardly surprising, really, because the gloves are well and truly off here – the grubbiest of grubby exploitation films, and our titular baddie (with emphasis on the “tit”, in more ways than one) does not hold back on a wild-eyed, drooling performance which begins with a “child” abduction and goes downhill from there.

So here we go. And by the way, don’t blame me if you don’t like what I’m writing about, I am but the messenger… The Sinful Dwarf review.


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